Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Teens on the way to prom save lives

In Florida this last weekend some seniors that were on their way to prom pulled over after seeing a van flip in front of them. All of the kids had their prom dresses and tux's on, but that did not stop them from running to the vehicle and pulling 7 people out of the flipped van. The van was in front of the limo they were in, the noticed that the van started swerving all over the road. It hit the wall and flipped in front of them. There were 7 people in the car, 5 adults and 2 kids. The kids were 9 and 2. The driver has been charged with not having the proper seating for the kids. One of the girls did have blood all over her dress, but her boyfriend got it off. The prom people managed to make it to the prom only 15 min late.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Diamonds have been found

The diamonds that were stolen from a private jet in Europe back in February have finally been found. Over $50 million in diamonds were stolen, and they have found and arrested 33 people that are in connection with the robbery. There were 8 people in the van that stole all of the diamonds. One of the men who helped was arrested for doing something and then it was downhill from there. The police then went and found the other 7 men that were involved, they were in Switzerland. Another 24 people have been detained because they are suspects as of right now. This means that there are 33 people total in questioning. Right now no one is going on trial yet, but eventually they will.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Back to trial

In 2009 a young woman went to jail for the murder of her friend. She spent 4 years in jail waiting to start the trial. Then it got over turned and she was able to come home. The young woman is Amanda Knox, she was arrested in Italy. She came home and told everyone about the hard life in prison there. She had the prison guards there harass her, and do many other things to her. She wrote a book about everything she went through there. Just recently her case was thrown back into the pile, and she will have to go back there to be retrialed. While she is here in the united states she is making sure everyone knows what's going on, how she feels, and the trauma she went through. She came out last week and told everything.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

i love turtles (:

Turtles are the most amazing creatures out there. They are so cute and cuddly, defiantly the ones that come out of the sea. They just crawl out of the sand hole and crawl toward the shore, #socute. The faster the cute little things run the more likely hood that they will survive! Once they get to the ocean they are all on their own. Because we, humans, do not really know how they are able to do this in the sand, we wanted to build something that would do the same thing. The Complex Rheology and Biomechanics research center decided to research the little things. Not only on sand but on other surfaces were the turtle able to keep the speed they had, so that was a clue that something else was going on. Did you know that turtle have wrists? Well they do! And that is how they are able to move so fast! But they did not want to start bringing the little things into labs so that is why they made the robot! FlipperBot was the name of the thing and it answered many questions about the turtle! Basically this will help conservationists learn how to help them! So cute!!,0,4260504.story

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gay soccer player comes out

Robbie Rogers who was playing soccer for the U.S. soccer team then switched to  England's Leeds United, had a huge secret on his chest. He came out after he was done playing on the US team that he was gay. He told everyone over an emotional blog. He is 25 years old. Rogers is one of the first known professional soccer players to come out and say that they are gay. Being that popular and keeping that secret inside is something huge and would be very hard. He said that he needs to choose between being himself or being a soccer player, and he isn't able to keep that in anymore. He almost makes it sound like he is not able to play soccer anymore, and that he wont be. Playing soccer would take him away from his big secret, it would make him happy. Many people are supporting him with his choice to come out and tell people about this.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The snow is great this spring!

This last week Wisconsin was hit with a massive storm. It started out with all rain, and when everyone was going to bed there was lighting, but when you woke up there was snow on the ground. In Appleton and places around there the power went out because the trees had ice on it and would hang onto the power lines. Also the power lines had a lot of ice on them. The weight brought them down. No one really expected it. The weird weather has been all over the untied states, there have been high winds almost in the 60s in California. Tornadoes all over the southern part of the US. Rain is everywhere, and there are dust storms in the west. There is going to be more snow coming very soon, but also possible rain. By Friday Door County should have an inch and a half.

Watched the news. Action 2news.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's the end

Channel 2 news has reported another snow storm to hit the united states again next week, and because of this no spring sports will be able to be played. The snow storm is going to be up to two feet of snow! Pete Patoniac is saying that he doesn't think spring will ever come now. The storm is set to hit on April 1st, which was last Monday, so on pretty sure that makes this an April fools joke. The snow is almost gone!